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Our Services

Our Services

Dr. Harleen Sodhi offers a wide range of treatment options, expert training to care for your child’s teeth, gums, and mouth. When your pediatrician recommends that your child receive a dental exam, trust Metuchen Pediatric Dentistry for the best possible care.

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Our preventative care includes a thorough cleaning of teeth, teeth polishing, a comprehensive exam and application of fluoride. We also provide oral hygiene instructions, diet management and discuss in detail how to keep teeth healthy, beautiful and strong!

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Our laser services includes: Laser Frenectomy to repair tongue ties and lip ties, as well as Operculectomies (a minor surgical procedure to remove excess gum tissue), Gingivectomies, Canine Exposure, and Mucocele Removal (removal of a cyst).

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If your child need urgent care, we respond during office hours and even after hours. We can guide you if treatment can be rendered next day or your child needs emergency treatment. Emergencies can range from tooth pain due to cavity or fracture or accidental situations. We are here for you!

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Our restorative pediatric dentistry includes a variety of services and treatments to repair or replace damaged or defective teeth. Treatments include pulpotomy, or treatment of the nerve, white crowns, white fillings in a tooth or teeth, extractions (removing teeth), space maintainers and more.

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Tooth bonding helps to recontour or reshape teeth. Bonding might be needed for esthetic, orthodontic or trauma reasons. Fillings on the otherhand are tooth-colored fillings that mimic natural tooth shade. They are resins, aesthetic, durable and lifelike material.

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Crowns are full coverage restorations that completely cover the remaining tooth structure after it has been treated. White crowns are made of porcelain, zirconia or composite material. They are esthetic, durable and an alternative to silver caps.

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​Also know as silver caps, super hero teeth, princess teeth. These cover the teeth completely after cavity removal. They provide durability and reliability for long term. Crown is chosen to custom fit your child’s tooth.

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A Smile goes a long way.  We will be happy to discuss the customized method to brighten your child’s teeth. We provide polishing after cleaning visit, nutritional counseling and professional teeth whitening with bleaching trays for beautiful smile!

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A pulpotomy is a procedure used to repair and restore an infected baby tooth. Pulpotomies are different than "adult rooth canals" because in a "pulpotomy", most of the natural pulp is preserved. This procedure maintain the tooth roots and allows them to continue to grow and mature.

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We provide guidance on eruption, palatal expansion and space maintenance treatment modalities to ensure your child’s face and jaws are developing appropriately to accommodate new adult teeth. Routine dental checkups help us monitor the growth of your child and intervene if needed.

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A dental extraction is the removal of a tooth. There are different reasons for teeth removal that include tooth decay, infection, orthodontic or esthetic purposes, trauma, extra teeth, over retained teeth or medical reasons.

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Teeth grindings is very common and we look for the root cause. We ensure child’s airway is not impeding the sleep patterns and evaluate for lip or tongue-ties that contribute to night grinding. If night grinding is not attributed to the above reasons, we can make a custom fit night guard for your child.

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